Lost Women of Science

Lost Women of Science tells the remarkable stories of groundbreaking women who never got the full recognition they deserved - until now.

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Mary Louisa Willard
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Flemmie Kittrell
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Mary Louisa Willard
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Frances Oldham Kelsey
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The Extraordinary Life and Tragic Death of Evangelina Rodríguez Perozo - Chapter Two: A Dominican in Paris

Evangelina raises the funds to set sail for Paris to learn about the latest advances in women’s health.

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We're not mad, we're curious...
...Okay, we're a little mad.

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beaker background art
beaker small background art

The Lost Women of Science Tip Line

Here at Lost Women of Science, it is our goal to rescue female scientists from the jaws of obscurity, but we need your help! If there’s a woman you’re aware of who achieved something remarkable but has been omitted from the historical record, we want to know.

Leave a brief message (or a long one!) at (415) 754-0625 and we’ll be sure to get back to you. Be sure to leave your full name, where you're calling from, and the best way to reach you, as well as the scientist's full name and her scientific field.  We appreciate your support in bringing the stories of trailblazing female scientists to light!

CALL: (415) 754-0625

Check out our Merchandise!

We have great Lost Women of Science branded products for sale. Please visit our shop to see the full range.

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lost women of science merch coffee mug