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News and updates from the Lost Women of Science team.
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Does sex matter when pharmaceutical companies determine the recommended dose for drugs?

In January 2013, the Food and Drug Administration made an astounding announcement about America’s favorite sleep aid.
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Written by:
Gillian Dohrn
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The Devil in the Details - Illustrating the Devastation of Thalidomide

How illustrator Lisk Feng approached creating the images for our podcast season about Dr. Frances Oldham Kelsey
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Written by:
Gillian Dohrn
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November 8, 2024

The Fight for Women’s Health

When Medical Research Failed Women in the Wake of the Thalidomide Scandal, Dr. Nanette Wenger Fought Back.
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Written by:
Gillian Dohrn
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August 8, 2023

The Lost Women of the Manhattan Project

We recently launched Lost Women of the Manhattan Project, a miniseries about some of the forgotten women who made significant contributions to the three-year effort during World War II to create a bomb that would end the war.
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Written by:
Sophia Levin
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May 30, 2023

Experiments and Breakthroughs that Changed How We Understand Substance Use Disorder

Season 5 of Lost Women of Science tells the story of Marie Nyswander, and how she revolutionized heroin addiction treatment. We’re very excited to share our BONUS EPISODE with you this Thursday, June 1st.
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Written by:
Sophia Levin
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October 6, 2022

The Artemis Project Continues the Work of Apollo – and the Women Who Contributed to It

Season 3 of Lost Women of Science traces the life and work of YY Clark, also nicknamed “The First Lady of Engineering” for her many breakthroughs in the field of mechanical engineering as a Black woman.
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Written by:
Matt Engel
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August 11, 2022

Does Mileva Einstein-Marić deserve credit for Albert Einstein’s discoveries?

Some people have said that Einstein’s first wife contributed to some of his most famous work. Do their claims hold water?
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Written by:
Hannah Carroll
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January 6, 2022

What is the "value" for Women In Medicine?

From the moment we began the research for Season One of Lost Women of Science, we asked a central question: was Dr. Dorothy Andersen, the pioneering pathologist, valued in the medical community? As our recent bonus episode shows, the word “value” is itself complicated.
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Written by:
Nora Mathison
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November 25, 2021

The Matilda Effect

The Matilda Effect posits that women in science become overlooked because many of their discoveries and breakthroughs are attributed to men.
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Written by:
Nora Mathison